Angelite Healing Stories
- My mother runs a multi-million dollar business. She recently had three heart attacks and a 90% blockage of two arteries feeding her heart. She was in a lot of pain. I acquired a heart-shaped piece of Angelite from Angelite Om and gave it to her. She put it in her bra over her heart. Since then, she has had no need for her pain pills. I have just bought another piece of Angelite for a friend with a quadruple bypass. – Jayson
- When I started to get a rash on my face, I mixed some Angelite powder with my face cream. The rash went away and I liked the way my skin felt so much that I am still using it. Also, in April, 1996, I had a very bad toothache. I put my Angelite piece on my cheek and later in my mouth next to the tooth. The dentist was amazed when he found out that my tooth did not hurt. He performed a root canal on the tooth and gave me a prescription for pain, but I used my Angelite instead. – Marta

- I had surgery for female problems and experienced a lot of pain for a long time after. I heard about the Angelite table and tried laying on one. I put Angelite tools over the hurt area and the pain left me. I didn’t think it would last but the pain has not returned.
It also helped my hurt ankle. Thank-you for making this available. I want to share it with my friends. – Tiffany
- After laying on the Angelite table, the deep, piercing pain underneath my left shoulder blade was eased completely. I felt more clear and experienced energy permeating my whole back. Thank you. – Meaghan
Purchases can be made over phone, Please call at 808-775-9400
Disclaimer: No medical claims are being made for these products. The information contained on this Web Site is presented for educational purposes only. In no way are any of the materials presented here meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be inferred as such. Always check with your medical professional if you have any questions or concerns about your condition, or before starting a new program of treatment.
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