Free Healing tools
How to Heal your gums... By Cathy Bilsky
This is for all of you that has trouble with their gums and cannot afford to go to the dentist……or choose not to go.
This does work although it will take dedication on your part and you must keep on it till healed.
I take a small cup and put 1/4 water in it add 1 heaping teaspoon of Celtic salt and 2 big tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Mix it up real well so the salt dissolves and use as a mouth rinse. The Celtic salt puts minerals back into your teeth. Celtic salt can be found at the health food store. Or call 10-867-7258
After I have done this I take 1 tablespoon full of sunflower oil and swish this in my mouth for 10 to 15 min. You will feel the oil thin out in your mouth as you do this. Spit the oil out in the sink for this is now toxic and brush your teeth. The oil pulls toxins out of your mouth. This is Arevedic medicine.
Then I take oil of oregano and put it on a q-tip and dab it on my gums that need repair. This can get a little intense. I would put some chap stick on before I do this so my lips don’t burn from the oil. The oil kills infection.
I do this 2 times a day. In the morning and at night.
Add to your diet 2 tablespoons of Calcium, Magnesium and phosphorus liquid. And zinc to help your body absorb the minerals. Vitamin C is a must. All this you can get at your health food store. For the calcium, magnesium and phosphorous call 1-800-247-6997.
Sounds too easy? Well if you really want complicated…….go to the dentist. It took me almost 2 years to figure this out.
Happy healing.

Cathy's energy balancing/curse removal cd
You can balance out your energy centers (chakra’s) remove overlays and curses. it is simple and easy and you can do this for your family and friends. (After calling to their Higher Self and asking for permission to do this energy work) Takes 5 minutes.
If you find the cd beneficial to your life and feel inspired to make a donation, please use the donation button.
The Book of Basics.
A beginners guide to working with the angels, the elemental kingdom and Divine Love.
Free download (Word document) click here.
After you have read the book and find the information helps you and you feel inspired to donate, please use the donation button.

2009 Divine Alchemy
This is the 2009 version of Divine Alchemy. This is taking your creative energies and putting them to work for the earth and humanity. By reading this Alchemy you are cutting darkness off from their energy supplies and giving energy to all the light workers on the planet.
If you read it out loud and with feeling you will help it manifest quicker. Hold a crystal in your hand when you read this and your energies will be amplified even greater.
If you don’t have time to read it through everyday pick out your 5 or 10 favourites and give them some positive energy everyday…or whenever you can. A great full moon read by yourself or with a group.
Enjoy and blessings >> Download microsoft PDF (534 KB)
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Disclaimer: No medical claims are being made for these products. The information contained on this Web Site is presented for educational purposes only. In no way are any of the materials presented here meant to be a substitute for professional medical care or attention by a qualified practitioner, nor should they be inferred as such. Always check with your medical professional if you have any questions or concerns about your condition, or before starting a new program of treatment.
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